Although this listing might not be applicable to some people (because there is the possibility that some areas will already be declared on a General Community Quarantine today), I guess it is still worth sharing. Actually, this was one of my webinar topics that I had delivered multiple times since the start of the quarantine period for the entire university system.
- Choose a comfortable spot at home while taking note of ergonomics.
- Create action items.
- Practice netiquette by practicing kindness.
- Audit your security settings.
- Use VPN.
- Avoid public WiFi and use your own personal hotspot.
- Install camera covers for your workstations (and smartphones, if able).
- Turn off location, microphone, and camera settings on apps and web browsers.
- Get an extra device as an extra screen.
- Use wireless earphones with built-in microphone.
- Minimize distractions by tweaking your notifications or alerts.
- Use only approved cloud applications for data storage.
- Create a separate work account if you are using a shared family computer at home.
- Stay active and take hydration or restroom breaks.
- Lastly, search for delivery services online in order to reduce going out (because of the COVID-19 pandemic) while also being cautious before availing any service.
Apple has shared a work-from-home toolkit on which contains a list of apps that can be used for collaboration, connecting with coworkers, schedule management, news reading, and other helpful tools towards working more efficiently.
As always, stay home and stay safe!